Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Heading Out of the Cave!

We’ll be attending the 2012 California Association of Property and Evidence (CAPE) Training Seminar next week at the Burlingame Marriott. Will you be there? The seminar board members have spent months working to make this seminar the best yet. The course offerings throughout the 4-day event will provide a wealth of information to all participants.

If you're not already a member, you should consider joining this elite group of law enforcement professionals. The people you meet, networking opportunities, and training available are important for staying current with property and evidence trends and practices.

We hope to see you there! Please stop by our booth and say hello.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Project: Clean Cave

When I visit evidence rooms, more often than not, I find they are typically understaffed and overworked.

If you're one of those legions of folks, start with one corner. By that, I mean to select one project or even a corner of your evidence room and devise a plan to tackle the issue.

Consider revising a policy, clean off a shelf or section of shelves, request an "All Law Enforcement Audit" through California Department of Justice. Give yourself an end date and whittle away at the proverbial pile.

You may even consider taking before and after photos. It can be so rewarding to recognize your progress. You'll soon be amazed how soon you see results!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Firearm Tip

In addition to the 2012 Penal Code changes on the Law Enforcement Gun Release Application or “LEGRA”, your legal department and agency head may wish to take this opportunity to revisit  the language relating to possessor/ownership requirements on your Notice of Rights and Receipt as well as your Firearm Policy.

Honing your Notice of Rights and Property Receipt and Firearm Policy will:
  • Provide for the update of new penal codes on all documents;
  • Define your return policy for the possessor and agency employees;
  • Reduce confusion for officers in the field when faced with questions regarding any firearm confiscation;
  • Reduce or lessen liability issues for your agency.
Visit the California Attorney General’s website to review the 2012 LEGRA.